Author: Andy

Gloomhaven – scenario 1

Scenario 1 – Black Barrow (G-10) Characters: Worf (Inox Brute) Boots of Striding (001) Minor Healing Potion (012) Twilight (Orchid Spellweaver) Cloak of Invisibility (005) Minor Power Potion (014) City rule: Militaristic City event Since this is my first game, I chose to do an optional City event after making the recommended equipment purchases. These are cards with a brief scenario, resulting in a choice of options, and you pick whichever of the given options you think your characters would take. I drew card 12, which had my characters stumble across a pie-eating contest. Figuring that a big, brash brute...

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Gloomhaven – General setup

If you’ve seen my unboxing video for the Kickstarter-funded board game “Gloomhaven”, you’ll know that I’ve been looking forward to this game for a long time. I’m not usually into Dungeoans & Dragons and other fantasy type games, but this one piqued my interest due to the “legacy” format of the game. Legacy boardgames are a fairly new type of board game, because unlike the games we’ve been playing since we were kids, Legacy games have a finite lifespan. As you play through the game, you change the game – you unlock new things, characters are improved and then...

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Unboxing: Gloomhaven by Isaac Childres

He’s been! He’s been! Kickstarter Santa has been! My copy of Gloomhaven arrived this morning, and has been taunting me all day until I could finally open it up after work. Naturally, I videoed the heck out of it. There’s an excellent guide on sleeving here. Also, in the creator’s own unboxing video, he runs through the best way to sleeve (or not) the cards and still make use of the...

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Why the Nintendo Switch is going to succeed

We’re less than a month away from the arrival of Nintendo’s newest condole, the Switch. It’s been ten years since Nintendo’s last new home console was launched – yet the Switch is, thankfully, very similar. It’s also very different. And it’s going to be a big hit. Why the Wii worked In 2006, the Xbox and Xbox 360, along with the PS2 and imminent PS3, were the consoles of choice for “gamers”. Nintendo’s Wii ignored that market, and targeted the “casual” demographic – people who normally couldn’t care less about gaming on their TV were suddenly fighting over the...

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